NCB Financial Group was well recognised at the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) Best Practices Awards 2020 distinguishing itself in six categories on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. For the second year, the Awards Ceremony was held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. In the Listed Company (main market) category, NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG) was joint winner of the JSE/Private Sector Organisation Jamaica Corporate Governance Award. NCBFG also claimed first place for the Corporate Disclosure and Investor Relations Award and third place for its Annual Report. The Corporate Governance Award recognises companies that demonstrate and practise outstanding corporate governance, while the Corporate Disclosure and Investor Relations Award recognises good investor relations with the wider investing public, as well as providing timely and accurate reports and announcements to the JSE. Steven Gooden, CEO of NCB Capital Markets Limited (NCBCM) collected the awards on behalf of the Group. He later commented: “I am heartened that we are once again at the forefront of these awards having renewed our commitment to provide investors with value-added offerings to build their wealth, consistently unearthing new ways to deepen the capital markets in Jamaica and the region.” In the Member Dealer Awards category, NCBCM claimed the overall win with the Chairman’s Award. NCBCM also received first place for Revenue Generation & Market Activity, and first place for the Expansion of Investors & Listed Companies Base. Gooden expressed gratitude to the NCBFG teams, clients and partners who have worked hard to secure these victories. Over the last 24 months, NCBCM has raised close to J$130 billion in Public Equity transactions, a feat that tested the company’s resilience and ingenuity against the backdrop of a still-raging pandemic and harsh economic conditions. “We give credit to the investments we have made in improving the efficiencies of our GoIPO platform and digital account opening software, which transformed how investors access the equities market,” Gooden said.