NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG) advises that Professor the Honourable Alvin Wint, OJ, CD, is due to retire at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NCBFG to be held in February 2024 pursuant to Article 94 of the NCBFG Articles of Incorporation; and he has indicated that he will not seek re-election in order to reduce the scale of his directorships. Professor Wint has also resigned from the Boards of NCBFG’s subsidiaries, National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited (NCBJ), NCB Capital Markets Limited, NCB Insurance Agency & Fund Managers Limited, NCB (Cayman) Limited, NCB Capital Markets (Cayman) Ltd and NCB Trust Company (Cayman) Limited effective December 31, 2023. His resignation is unrelated to any disagreement regarding financial statement disclosures, accounting principles or practices, or any matter impacting the Audit Committees, which he chairs, or his ability to execute his functions delegated by the Board.
NCBFG also advises of the appointment of retired Banker, Mr Gary W. Brown, to the Board of NCBJ effective January 1, 2024. Mr Brown has spent most of his working life in the financial services sector in Barbados and the United States of America. Additional board appointments are expected to follow, including a request for him to be elected as a director of NCBFG at the AGM.
NCBFG takes this opportunity to welcome Mr Brown, as well as to thank Professor Wint for his over 20 years of stellar service to various NCB Boards and wish him well as he transitions into this planned retirement.
About NCB Financial Group NCB Financial Group Limited was incorporated in April 2016 to be licensed under the Banking Services Act as the financial holding company for National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited (“NCBJ”). The NCB Group is the largest and most profitable financial services group in Jamaica, with roots dating back to 1837. Through the bank (NCBJ) and the Group’s wealth management, life and general insurance, and offshore banking subsidiaries, the NCB Group provides a wide array of financial products and services to meet the needs of individual and business clients. The NCB Group includes NCBJ, NCB Capital Markets Limited and its subsidiaries in Barbados and Cayman, NCB Insurance Agency & Fund Managers Limited, NCB (Cayman) Limited, TFOB (2021) Limited, Clarien Group Limited and its subsidiaries in Bermuda, Guardian Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries as well as NCB Merchant Bank (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited in Trinidad and Tobago.
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NCB Financial Group Limited 32 Trafalgar Road | Kingston 10 | Jamaica W.I. For investor related queries email: [email protected]
Nicole Campbell, Head - Group Marketing and Corporate Communications Tel: 876-426-7620 | Email: [email protected] Jacqueline De Lisser, Head - Group Investor Relations & Financial Advisory Tel: 876-935-2540 | Email: [email protected]